Socio-economic and political related topics > Economic and political general discussion

Will there be a no-deal brexit

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This is slightly off-topic (hint to admin, maybe there should be a general politics board) so sorry if in wrong forum, but I feel after everything there could be a no-deal brexit, depending on who is new PM perhaps.  Dunno... :-X


--- Quote from: McGaskil on 11 June, 2019, 12:25:18 PM ---This is slightly off-topic (hint to admin, maybe there should be a general politics board) so sorry if in wrong forum, but I feel after everything there could be a no-deal brexit, depending on who is new PM perhaps.  Dunno... :-X

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There might, but going by what I've seen in the news, other PM contenders will make it as difficult as possible for the front runner B.Johnson to achieve that. :-X

Maybe not.  The remainers and near-remainers will try everything they can think of to prevent that, hence that BS started by B.J's flat mate/partner who was obviously paid-off and conveniently noticed by a neighbour just at the right time. :-X

blag-it Admin:

--- Quote from: ATH019 on 25 June, 2019, 05:42:07 AM ---Maybe not.  The remainers and near-remainers will try everything they can think of to prevent that, hence that BS started by B.J's flat mate/partner who was obviously paid-off and conveniently noticed by a neighbour just at the right time. :-X

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Ah, hmm!  This just falls within the forum rules as no names are actually stated, but 'paid-off' is a bit OTT, OK!  There's no way of knowing this!  So this is a slight warning! >:(

Back on subject, there is an increasing chance there might be a no-deal brexit in favour of a WTO scenario, but just a guess.


I'm thinking maybe there shouldn't be a one?  I've heard many SME's with offices on both sides of the channel would be affected?


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