Internet related topics > Transfer protocol related
Why does FTP-ing take so long
Hi to all on forum! So I use a responsive web editor for a little site that I have that has a built-in ftp client, but whenever I need to upload files it always takes so long. Is there any way of speeding up ftp?
blag-it Admin:
FTP has always been slow, but one or two things to do are not to have any other online activities running at the same time and to do transfers at night time when internet traffic is usually lower.
--- Quote from: Susan.W on 03 April, 2023, 08:41:08 AM ---Hi to all on forum! So I use a responsive web editor for a little site that I have that has a built-in ftp client, but whenever I need to upload files it always takes so long. Is there any way of speeding up ftp?
--- End quote ---
I get slow ftp issues all the time and I think one of the main culprits can be an overloaded network serving too many devices. You're pc, laptop, etc, is just one of hundreds/thousands of machines connected to your isp's WAN.
I think FTP program settings can affect upload speeds, also the maximum number of simultaneous connections can limit or overload the transfer.
If the web editor came with a free FTP client, chances are it has limited options so you might be stuck with it as it is. There's always a trade-off.
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